
Pan Ta Naw Township in Ayeyarwaddy Division
Fishery sector have been introduced since 2005 in Pan Ta Naw Township in Ayeyarwaddy Division. There are 600 Acres of vast land in this area turn into fish ponds, which include Nursery Ponds, Fingerlings Ponds and Production Ponds. In some Ponds, poly culture of both fishand fresh water prawn together is done.
One of the overlooking views of Fishery Farms
Doing Nursery, Feeding Fish Feed, carrying from Yangon
Catching and Sorting Fish
Our Company has been successfully implementing fish farming in a 700- acre land in kyone-daing-gyi village, pan-ta-naw tsp, Ayeyarwaddy Region. fish that meet the specified size are harvested and distribute and sell to Local and Yangon Market.